Agriculture Day Friday 19th November 2021

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

Agriculture Day Friday 19th November 2021

Have you heard about National Agriculture Day? Now in its fifth year, it is an annual celebration of the crucial contribution made by Australian farmers and the agricultural industry. This year National Agricultural Day will be held on Friday 19th November.

Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDA Southern Inland) is part of a national network of 52 RDA Committees across Australia (RDA Southern Inland includes the Yass Valley, Hilltops, Goulbourn-Mulwaree, and Snowy Mountains areas amongst others). Like other RDA areas, RDA Southern Inland found that COVID-19 lockdowns took a toll on its planned Ag Day celebrations, but the organisation was not going to let the day go without some sort of commemoration.

“Ag Day is dedicated to celebrating Australia’s Ag Community. Despite the challenges of drought, fire, flood and covid they have gone to amazing lengths to support food security in our country, so it is important to us that we celebrate their industry, and show our appreciation,” says RDASI CEO, Carisa Wells, “We needed to find an alternative”.

The solution was ‘For the Love of Ag’, a short film featuring the inspirational stories of local Southern Inland farmers and graziers.

Cressida Cains, 2020 AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award NSW/ACT winner and national runner-up and co-founder of Pecora Dairy, was thrilled to be invited as the face of the event, which also features Peter and Jack O’Connor from Oxton Park; Georgie Kelly and her family at Rugby Station; Tim Kirk, from Clonakilla Wines and John Mauger, of Mauger’s Meats.

‘For the Love of Ag’ is due for release on Ag Day, Friday 19th November. You can view the film by going to:

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