Bango Wind Farm – July 2022 Update

Image courtesy of CWP Renewables.
CWP Renewables is the company responsible for the Bango Wind Farm development. CWP Renewables advise that the 244 MW Bango Wind Farm is progressing well, with 43 of the 46 turbines now fully erected. They report that they are now exporting 185 MW from 35 turbines. Hold point testing continues with practical completion looking likely for late 2022.
It should be noted that the transition to renewable energy has well and truly been in the spotlight to date this year. Not only has the change in Federal Government meant a new target to cut carbon emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, but global events have impacted our local energy network.
The chilly start to winter, combined with inflated gas prices and coal power station outages, saw the National Electricity Grid struggle to keep the lights on. It was around this time that CWP Renewables was able to bring on increased capacity at Bango Wind Farm after passing another round of hold point testing, which is required before they start sending electricity into the grid.
In addition, the Australian Energy Market Operator released its 2022 Integrated System Plan – which is a 30-year roadmap for the electricity market. It sets out some important targets that need to be met to keep electricity reliable, low-cost and low-emissions. The plan includes a nine-fold increase in grid-scale wind and solar capacity and a three-fold increase in firming capacity. It appears that Bango Wind Farm is well-placed to help meet these targets.
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