Have Your Say About the Adventure Playspace at Riverbank Park
Have Your Say About the Adventure Playspace at Riverbank Park
Yass Valley Council has been allocated $1,784,700 under the NSW Government’s Public Spaces Legacy Program to build an Adventure Playspace at Riverbank Park.
After a fact-finding mission, the Council engaged a company called ‘Group GSA’ to develop two concept designs for the playground: ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and ‘A Riverland Adventure’. Council is now calling for members of the public to check out the designs and provide feedback.
Both designs offer a variety of activities to engage a broad age group and feature a flying fox, a passive open space, amenities, BBQ facilities, a fitness station, signage, new plantings and new seating. However, there are differences between the two:
- Where the Wild Things Are features a sky tower with climbing nets and giant spiral slide, a climbing slope with ropes and nets, a spinning net and climber, an activity tower for infants, a double swing, a basket swing, a cubby house and stepping logs.
- A Riverland Adventure features a sky tower with climbing nets, an embankment slide, a climbing slope with ropes, an activity tower for infants, a double swing, a zodiac swing, a hammock swing, a carousel and stepping logs.
Members of the public can view the designs and provide feedback during October here: www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au/our-council/public-consultation/article/1326.
The existing play equipment at Riverbank Park has been deemed to be past its use-by date and will be disposed of when the new Adventure Playspace is constructed. It is hoped that construction of the new playground will commence in mid-2022 and be completed by Christmas 2022.
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