Wash Cloth Facemasks After Each Use

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

Wash Cloth Facemasks After Each Use

Wash Cloth Facemasks After Each Use

As we are all aware, there are three essential behaviours we need to adopt to avoid contracting COVID-19:

1. follow government instructions
2. wash and sanitise our hands regularly
3. wear a face mask.

Wearing a face mask protects you and your community by providing an additional physical barrier to the virus.

There are two types of face masks you can use: cloth masks and surgical masks. Surgical masks are single-use masks and must be disposed of in a bin. Cloth masks are made of washable fabric and can be washed and reused. Cloth masks have become popular because they reduce waste, however, there are some important hygiene factors to note.

First, throw away your cloth mask when the fabric gets old, thin or no longer fits. Second, do not share your mask with other people, even family members, and third, wash your cloth mask daily. This third point means that you need AT LEAST three cloth masks: one on your face, one in the wash, and one in the drawer at home.

Australian health authorities recommend that cloth masks are washed in hot water, at 60oC, and soap or laundry detergent is used to clean them. Do not use bleach. Always wash your hands with soap and water immediately after washing your mask. Dry your mask before reusing it, and if possible, lay your mask out flat to dry in direct sunlight. It’s not recommended that you tumble dry or iron your mask because you may damage it and reduce its effectiveness.

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