Yass Lawn Tennis Club Upgrades

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

Yass Lawn Tennis Club Upgrade

Yass Lawn Tennis Club is about to be upgraded thanks to two grants secured from the NSW Government. The NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund has enabled three tennis courts to receive synthetic turf and two courts to receive lighting, and the NSW Government’s 2021 Community Building Partnership Program has secured $9,000 in funding for the refurbishment of flooring in the clubhouse.

Commenting on the upgrade, Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman said, “The Yass Valley and Yass Lawn Tennis Club are so fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers looking to enhance the game of tennis in Yass.

[The upgrades] will help facilitate more access to tennis for the public during the week, in the evenings and at weekends. Congratulations Yass this is a great project,” Mrs Tuckerman said.

Yass Lawn Tennis Club Captain Michele Whitters welcomed the funding.

“Game, set and match, this tremendous additional boost to the Yass Lawn Tennis Club by the NSW Government, will facilitate access to tennis for the public during the week, in the evenings and at weekends.

“The all-weather courts will remove the barriers of inclement weather and court preparation. The lights will see night tennis resume after many years. The synthetic courts will enable the Club to provide women’s social tennis during the week, offer coaching opportunities for children and adults, increase interclub competitions with clubs in the region, and provide many more innovative tennis opportunities for the Yass community”.

In terms of the flooring, Ms Whitters said, “Our Club has seen generations of feet pound the once beautiful wooden floors of our almost 100-year-old clubhouse. This funding will enable the floors to be completely stripped, sanded, repaired and sealed”.

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