Yass Parkinson’s Disease Support

Written by: The Yass Phoenix


Last week it was announced that a new Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse, Lauren Hogan, has been appointed to support patients and carers in Yass, Crookwell, and Goulburn.

The announcement was made by Member for Goulburn, Wendy Tuckerman, General Manager – Tablelands Network & General Manager – Monaro Network for Southern NSW Local Health District, Brian Bonham, and Jo-Anne Reeves, CEO of Parkinson’s NSW.

Mrs Tuckerman said Ms Hogan is trained and experienced in the care of people living with the neurodegenerative condition.

“Specialised neurological nurses are proven to bring many benefits to people living with Parkinson’s and their families.

“The placement of a nurse assists with reducing the high rates of depression and anxiety commonly associated with Parkinson’s,” Mrs Tuckerman said.

Lauren Hogan is a Goulburn local who has spent 13 years working at Goulburn Base Hospital; nine of those as a Registered Nurse. Her most recent role was Clinical Nurse Educator on the surgical ward. She has also had experience in nursing, assessment and planning for Parkinson’s patients, reduction in falls causing serious injury, working in multidisciplinary teams, and infection control.

Parkinson’s NSW CEO Jo-Anne Reeves said the District-based Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse model had already been proven to deliver benefits for people living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers in other communities.

“This model permits the Specialist Nurses to work across a number of settings, including hospitals, clinics, patient’s homes and Aged Care facilities. There is also evidence that this model of care helps to reduce the sense of isolation that many people with Parkinson’s experience.

“Where communities have access to a Specialist Nurse, carers and family members also show significant improvements in their own well-being, with reduced levels of depression,” she said.

For those not in the know, Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive, degenerative condition of the central nervous system. Nerve cell damage in the brain causes dopamine levels to drop, leading to the symptoms of Parkinson's. Parkinson's symptoms include tremors, slow movement, stiffness, and loss of balance. People with Parkinson’s also suffer from fatigue, apathy, depression, disturbed sleep, loss of sense of smell, and issues with speech and swallowing. Symptoms can be managed with medication, exercise and other forms of therapy and support. However, as yet there is no cure.

You can learn more about the disease from the Parkinson’s NSW organisation. Parkinson’s NSW is a for-purpose organisation striving to make life better for people living with Parkinson’s, their families, and caregivers. Its purpose is to connect people living with Parkinson’s with life-enhancing support and services. It provides essential services such as Support Groups, an InfoLine supported by Registered Nurse and Allied Health professionals, education, counselling, and specialist advice on Parkinson’s exercise programs. It also maintains a register of vetted health practitioners throughout NSW with Parkinson’s experience.

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