The Yass Valley Council has announced that the following services are closed during lockdown:
• Yass Valley Library, Yass Valley Information Centre, and Yass Valley Council Administration Building are closed to the public during this time. Council’s Customer Service Team will manage enquiries via phone (6226 1477) or email If your enquiry is urgent and you require a face-to-face meeting, you must call 6226 1477 before coming into the Administration Building. For online library resources, please visit the library’s Facebook page.
• Waste Transfer Stations will remain open but for essential drop-offs and to Yass Valley residents only. Essential drop-offs are considered for people who don’t have a regular waste collection and/or commercial customers and essential trade workers who need to dispose of waste.
• Work on Dog Trap Road and the Walker Park grandstand has been placed on hold.
The following are open during lockdown:
• Water, sewage and rubbish are all essential services and will continue to be maintained throughout the lockdown.
• Our sporting fields, parks and public toilets also remain open. However, please maintain social distancing and practise good hygiene while in public spaces.
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